Every culture has its icons and none are more prominent worldwide than American celebrities. The proliferation of gossip rags and web-based news outlets has made our society attuned to every sordid detail of celebrity lives in an almost real-time environment. Nothing feeds the average American schadenfreude than the celebrity who finally gets busted breaking the law.
News of a celebrity arrest can feed news stories for days and can continue on for months, and as much as the average person complains about this dumbing down of the media—we have a voracious appetite for this information and that is what ultimately sells the magazines and sets the agenda. “Hollywood Most Wanted” was intended as a rather fun social commentary on how idolized yet very flawed these stars really are and how our culture has generally misplaced priorities.
Most teenagers cannot name the Attorney General of the United States, but they all know who Paris Hilton is and what she does. The subjects in the “Hollywood Most Wanted” series are a diverse group, but ultimately have served as role models for society at large at one time or another.